Visits: Family Time as a Key to Permanency

Prerequisite: Completion of the SOP Foundational training is required.
This class is designed to support advanced SOP practitioners who would like to learn practical and tangible ways to incorporate the principles of SOP and the Integrated Core Practice Model (ICPM) into daily visitation work with families. This course presents a model of teaming integrating visitation research, the ICPM and SOP to enhance visitation preparation and progression.
After attending this training, participants will be able to:

  • Deepen their knowledge of what research and practice says about visitation in child welfare practice
  • Describe the primary purpose and role of visitation in a child welfare case through a trauma-informed lens
  • Identify the various levels of visitation progression
  • Explore teaming strategies to prepare families and their support network for visitation planning with a focus on the individual needs and strengths of the child and family
  • Understand the value of visitation coaching as a model to reduce trauma and improve visitation experiences and outcomes
  • Demonstrate the use of SOP strategies and ICPM behaviors in visitation planning and progression including teaming/mapping with the safety network, fairness & equity, cultural humility, danger statements/safety goals and solution focused inquiry
  • Value the use of SOP and ICPM practice behaviors to improve visitation experiences and outcomes for children and families
Course Code