Introduction to Trauma-Informed Parent Partners: Instilling Compassion, Self-care and Hope

This interactive training will introduce service providers to trauma-informed care. This training is meant to be an introduction to trauma, self-care and interventions for working with youth who have experienced complex developmental trauma. The flexible framework allows service providers to partner with individuals and families to enhance the quality of engagement, self-regulation/self-care, as well as building skills to further support families to find individuality and strengths. This training pulls from the work of ARC reflections and is meant as an introduction to trauma-informed care that is in line with other evidence-based practices and trauma-informed/responsive frameworks.

This training will be a balance of lecture, video, group discussion and experiential activities that will address areas of attunement, caregiver affect management, emotion regulation, providing an emotionally safe environment, self-regulation, enhancing self-identity and self-esteem. The activities provided are based on the facilitator’s education as an expressive therapist, training in trauma informed care and professional experience with children, adolescents, adults and families recovering and healing from complex developmental trauma, grief, and family disruptions.

Participants will experience the interventions as they are delivered with the opportunity to discuss the process and the impact of different activities and experiences. This is important in order to establish the provider’s level of comfort with trauma and the activities as well as to evaluate which activities would be safe and beneficial to their clients. Significant time will be spent discussing considerations for ourselves and for the work with clients and families who have experienced complex developmental trauma.

Learning Objectives

  1. Name three ways complex trauma is expressed in youth and families
  2. Identify three ways caregivers are affected by youth experiencing complex trauma
  3. Create a sustainable plan for self-care
  4. Practice experiential activities to identify five activities you could use with families and clients in meetings and individual sessions
  5. Generate a list of at least 5 ways to help a parent with regulation
Course Code