Extended Foster Care: Where We Are and Where We Need to Go

This dynamic and interactive course reflects upon a decade of Extended Foster Care (EFC) in California to explore what has worked about the program, what challenges exist, and how child welfare professionals can be proactive to inform a system that will better meet the needs of young adults both now and in the future. Taught from the perspective of a young adult with lived experience in EFC, the course will walk through the EFC process to examine how to engage with youth and non-minor dependents (NMDs) more effectively.

After attending this training, participants will be able to:

  • Identify and create Brave Spaces
  • Understand the eligibility criteria, purpose and benefits of EFC
  • Recognize one’s own reasons for working with transition aged youth and how their “Superhero Origin Story” inspires their work
  • Understand the rate of involuntary exits from EFC and how to prevent them
  • Value partnering with the youth to help them achieve their goals and remain in EFC
  • Engage young adults and NMDs utilizing cultural humility, trauma-informed, healing-centered, and developmentally appropriate approaches
Course Code