Critical Thinking in Child Welfare Practice

The Northern California Training Academy in partnership with The Foundation for Critical Thinking and Casey Family Programs is piloting a two-day staff development course on Critical Thinking in Child Welfare. The pilot will focus on Front End Practice including Emergency Response staff.  We are seeking experienced social workers, supervisors, program managers with ER experience as well as representatives from ongoing child welfare practice. 

After attending the course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify goals and purposes
  • Gather relevant information
  • Formulate questions clearly and precisely
  • Determine the assumptions they are using and analyze those assumptions for justifiability
  • Think through the implications of the decisions they make, and the “solutions” they come to
  • Make logical and accurate inferences and interpretations
  • Clearly articulate the concepts or ideas that are guiding their thinking
  • Consider alternate ways of looking at problems and situations

If you are selected to participate, we will ask that you:

  1. Attend the two-day training and follow-up webinar
  2. Participate in an evaluation of knowledge and of the course
  3. Provide feedback on the course with recommendations for improvement for all child welfare practitioners

Our goal is to improve decision making and critical thinking in child welfare practice and your participation and feedback will be key to the development and rollout of this program. 

For a complete description and application information, go here.

PLEASE NOTE: After you click the “Enroll Now” button and complete the standard enrollment process, your enrollment will not be finalized until you have submitted the additional application. Application deadline for the pilot course is November 17, 2017.

Course Code