Beginning Wraparound

California Wraparound is a successful process for meeting the needs of high-need children and their families/care providers. These children would otherwise be placed in high-level congregate care outside of their families and often away from their communities and other supports. This course will prepare you for your role in the Wraparound process.

Topics include:

  • Understanding the purpose and process of California Wraparound
  • Name essential elements that drive the Wraparound process
  • Defining a family-driven process
  • Identifying the phases and activities of Wraparound
  • Practicing facilitation and team-building
  • Recognizing and listing family strengths
  • Assisting families in identifying, prioritizing and developing strategies for their needs
  • Assisting the family in designing and documenting a Wraparound Individual Family Plan and a Safety/Crisis Plan

Upon completion of the course, participants will be prepared to implement their role in the Wraparound process.

Course Code